There can be a lot of reasons why you are struggling to lose weight but before I tell you these reasons. First of all, To lose weight you must be in a moderate calorie deficit which means consuming fewer calories than your body currently needs to maintain its current weight. So for example, if your body needs 2000 calories to maintain what weight you’re at now, and then you starting eating 1700 calories which are 300 calories less well then you are going to lose weight.

Reasons why some people don’t lose weight.

1 Monday to Friday they stick to their diet eat clean then Saturday and Sunday come along its a free for all they eat everything around them and overeat.

2 Their eating too much food which puts you in a surplus meaning you will gain weight.

3 Eating healthy foods but eating too many nuts and nut butter, olive oil, avocados even though these are healthy fats but overeating these will not do your weight a favour.

4 Sitting down all the time no activity.

5 You’re exhausted and stressed and you binge on food.

6 You’re looking for a quick fix and decide to go on one of many yo-yo diets which you cut out your carbohydrates and starve your body from the nutrients it needs sure the weight come off but this diet is not sustainable and after some time your weight goes up and more.

If you don’t change what your doing, don’t expect to see different results from what your seeing.


Tips how to lose weight

1 To lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit eat less folks.

2 Track your food keep a diary because when you look back at what you eat you can see where you went wrong.

3 Don’t cut out the treats you love from your diet completely but cut down the amount.

4 Eat good food that grows from the ground potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes, fruits and plenty of vegetables

5 Eat lean cut meats eggs chicken fish etc.

6 replace the bad food with good healthy foods your new diet should not be boring it should include nice food everything in moderation.

7 start some type of physical activity which includes resistance training.

Be consistent and patient you will get a result.

