
Our Fitness Philosophy

We live in a world where owning a fit, healthy and energetic body is usually on the ‘to-do’ list, and rarely on the ‘conquered for good’ list.

Irish men already have the highest body mass index (BMI) – a key measure of overweight – in Europe.

While Irish women rank third

(Ireland’s obesity rate among world’s worst).

It’s clear that many of us lack the key ingredients required to lead a healthy life in a fit-looking body.

Having a fit and healthy body helps you to feel good about yourself, we imagine a world where healthy, positive and energetic people are the majority; where most people step out of the shower and love what they see in the mirror; where every office or workplace is energised with positive energy and the people around you lift you up and inspire you to be better!

We believe that confidence is a hell of a lot more sexy than an expensive outfit, and that training with FITMAC is the fastest and best long-term strategy for you to get there.


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