12 week body transformation

Can’t find time for the gym. Are you a busy parent. Do you want to lose weight and build lean muscle. Do You want a positive change in your lifestyle. Are you ready to start making real changes in your life. This is suitable for all fitness levels from beginners to intermediate. Join our April group and start building a healthier you.

3o years natural training

Im very proud to be training natural for over 30 years.
It’s you versus you: no shortcuts no tricks. At the young age of 51 I feel healthy and strong, and training naturally gives me that strength. ??

The way the fitness industry is now, its full of lies and false promises. And the use of steroids is to common now and it seems that steroid users rule the fitness social media, because no body wants to work hard just take a short cut it’s easier.
And its sad to see the younger generation fall into this trap.
And then we see these self made fitness gurus, and fitness models acting like role models giving people false hope and advice. And half of them just out of nappies? but bullshit sells, fast results will get them client’s.

My advice to young people would be to train for your health and well being and if you want to get the aesthetic look, work for it because then you own it.
Train hard eat clean and be consistent and for God sake be paitent

Are you struggling to lose weight

There can be a lot of reasons why you are struggling to lose weight but before I tell you these reasons. First of all, To lose weight you must be in a moderate calorie deficit which means consuming fewer calories than your body currently needs to maintain its current weight. So for example, if your body needs 2000 calories to maintain what weight you’re at now, and then you starting eating 1700 calories which are 300 calories less well then you are going to lose weight.

Reasons why some people don’t lose weight.

1 Monday to Friday they stick to their diet eat clean then Saturday and Sunday come along its a free for all they eat everything around them and overeat.

2 Their eating too much food which puts you in a surplus meaning you will gain weight.

3 Eating healthy foods but eating too many nuts and nut butter, olive oil, avocados even though these are healthy fats but overeating these will not do your weight a favour.

4 Sitting down all the time no activity.

5 You’re exhausted and stressed and you binge on food.

6 You’re looking for a quick fix and decide to go on one of many yo-yo diets which you cut out your carbohydrates and starve your body from the nutrients it needs sure the weight come off but this diet is not sustainable and after some time your weight goes up and more.

If you don’t change what your doing, don’t expect to see different results from what your seeing.


Tips how to lose weight

1 To lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit eat less folks.

2 Track your food keep a diary because when you look back at what you eat you can see where you went wrong.

3 Don’t cut out the treats you love from your diet completely but cut down the amount.

4 Eat good food that grows from the ground potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes, fruits and plenty of vegetables

5 Eat lean cut meats eggs chicken fish etc.

6 replace the bad food with good healthy foods your new diet should not be boring it should include nice food everything in moderation.

7 start some type of physical activity which includes resistance training.

Be consistent and patient you will get a result.


Food labels

We are living in a fast world where everything has to be on the tip of our fingers and that includes foods.

I mean who reads the food labels to see what the ingredients are in it before we eat it !!!

Some of us might check the sugar content but do we check the ingredients.

Be careful folks and take some time to read the labels.

Here are some things you want to be cautious of when looking at food labels.

Hydrogenated Oils which include trans fats.

MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate) which is typical, found in snacks a salad dressings soups etc.
MSG has toxic effects on neurons that are in our brain. If you see the word hydrolyzed on a food label, this is another word for MSG.

High Fructose Corn Syrup which is highly processed and even sweeter than sugar.

Soy — unless it’s fermented or non-GMO such as Tempeh.

Artificial Sweeteners which are very addictive creates a large spike in insulin and can cause you to eat More. One of the better types of is stevia as it doesn’t create a huge spike in insulin.

Food Coloring

Nitrates & Nitrites which are toxins added to food in order to remain on the shelves for longer periods of time as well to add colour to the food item.

Carrageen which used in products such as yogurt and coconut milk to act as a thickener. This can cause digestive issues for some people.


Start reading labels and mind your health feel free to Tag a friend, and share.

Tips on How to Lose the Turkey Belly

New year is approaching and here we go again making or new years resolutions, I hear the same thing every year, people have great intentions and start it off by getting a gym membership, or start going to classes, I’m going to eat healthier, I’m going to lose weight but so many people fail. They do ok for awhile but give up, it takes time and a little patience folks especially if you are trying to change something that is very normal to you whether that being a bad diet or you don’t exercise don’t be too hard on yourself we are only human after all.
So here are some of my tips to help achieve your goals.

Get rid of all the Christmas treats from your cupboards let’s face it if they’re in your cupboards you will eat them too much temptation.

Log your food and I don’t mean by weighing your food just write down everything you eat do it for awhile because sometimes we decide to have a treat and by taking a note of it, you might realise you had few too many.

Your plate at dinner time you should half the plate with vegetables 1 quarter of lean protein other quarter carbohydrates like potatoes rice etc.

Every day Include vegetables, and at least 2 pieces of fruit per day. And include healthy fats in your diet like avocados, nuts, seeds salmon olive oil.

Drink at least 2 litres of water per day, and when you eat don’t eat to get full especially when trying to lose weight just eat less and I don’t mean starving yourself.

Start training join a gym or go to a class and if that’s not for you go for a walk, just get active your body will thank you for it.

Keep it simple by cutting out the bad foods like takeaways, sweets fizzy drinks come on folks we no these are bad for us cut them out or at least cut them down. We all deserve a treat sometimes.

Too many people say to me what will I eat I answer cut out the bad food replace it with good food good I really hope this helps someone out, feel free to share.

Happy and healthy new year.


Is Obesity the the new norm?

Where do I start with this? This is something that is getting worst in our society today and to be honest it’s going get a lot worst. I mean Irish men already have the highest body mass index in Europe, while Irish women rank third. Ireland is set to become the most obese country in Europe. This is not just an Irish problem but it makes me wonder what and why this is happening especially where there are more gyms health clubs and self-conscious people out there taking care of their body, more personal trainers lots of sports. Is there too much choice these days? I mean me growing up as a kid there was no obesity crisis here in Ireland and now we are up there with the highest in Europe. It’s scary, to be honest, or are we a nation that have addictive personalities.?
Almost one-fifth of the world’s obese adults (118 million) live in Ireland and five other high-income English speaking countries Australia, Canada, New Zealand the UK and the USA. One-quarter of the world’s severely obese adults living in the same six countries.
The number of obese people worldwide has risen from 105 million in 1975 to 641 million in 2014. Countries like Singapore, Japan and European countries such as Belgium, France and Switzerland had virtually no increase in BMI over 40 years. Why is that?.

For me, this is the scary part 1 in 4 of our children are overweight. This is serious because overweight children are more likely to become obese adults. And that’s when the problem really starts. And the thing is some parents don’t realize that their children are not at a healthy weight. But who do we blame the parents, society? Are we turning into a nation of zombies with or Play Stations, video games, facebook Snapchat Mr Google. Ya to me these are all to blame and the sad thing this seems to be the norm. Is it?.

I know myself as a parent it’s hard not to give in to giving our children treats we are all guilty of that. But if parents are giving their children crisps, fizzy drinks sweets fried food regularly well then stop because you are damaging your child’s health, there are plenty of healthy treats out there. Going back to my childhood we had a lot less especially in material things like internet so no facebook for us so for me less was more 🙂 We eat potatoes nearly every day and now it’s don’t eat too much potatoes they’re bad for ya, eat sweet potatoes instead and brown rice etc, sure our parents ate potatoes all there lives and there was no obesity problem that time. And I’m not saying eat potatoes till they come out your ears, I am just making a point. I think there is too much scaremongering out there regarding food by these so-called experts. We used to be out more galavanting around the streets as my mum use to say if you asked a child now did they ever raid an orchard they would look at ya like you have 2 heads. Kids need to be kids and I know it’s not as safe to let them out on the streets as much now, It’s not like it used to be. It’s up to us as parents
and adults to get off our arses and get the children outdoors playing and being active, and let them be children getting muddy having fun and stop turning them into PlayStation zombies staring at a screen for hours on end.

Why Exercise Makes Us Happy

Most of us have experienced the “highs” that occur during and after exercise.

It’s no coincidence that going out for a walk or jog, or hitting-it-up at a boxing class can dramatically change how we feel. We’re all well aware that exercise lowers levels of anxiety, depression and stress.

Regular exercise can leave us with a gratifying sense of achievement. For many, it’s a boost of mental strength to help tackle the worries of day.

One of the greatest benefits is that exercise makes you happy


The best part is that anyone, at any age, is capable of gaining these benefits. Here are 6 reasons why exercise and physical activity can help make you feel happier:

1. Regular exercise and physical activity releases the neurotransmitter dopamine – this enables feelings of pleasure and happiness.

2. It improves self confidence and self esteem – not only do you feel better about yourself but it will spill over into other areas of your life, like with career and relationships.

3. Mental alertness – exercise keeps your mind in shape by building resilience and discipline.

4. It increases energy levels – it may seem strange, but it’s true. So get active even though you may not be feeling up to it!

5. Stress relief – exercise has positive effects on stress and hormone levels. Your body will adapt to physical forms of stress, which will help you manage other stress in your day.

6. It improves your sleep – regular physical activity will ensure your body is refreshed and ready to take on another day.

Getting started with bodyweight exercise

Getting started with bodyweight exercise

Many of us think time and expense are the biggest obstacles to getting and keeping fit. But getting your arms and legs into shape doesn’t need to cost them. There are plenty of ways to work out using nothing more than what your mother gave you.

Bodyweight training is exactly what it sounds like – exercises that use your own body as the weight and sole form of resistance. You know plenty of examples already; think sit ups, push ups, crunches, lunges, planks and squats.

Here at Fitmac we tailor your personal fitness plan to meet you fitness goals.

Any age, any fitness level

By adjusting the movements to make them more or less difficult, (for example, you can make push ups easier by doing them from a kneeling position, or harder by doing them with one arm) bodyweight training evolves with your fitness. You can also modify the exercises to make them safer, (for example, doing squats using a bench or chair), reducing the risk of falls.

Less down time

If you rely on gym equipment or classes, busy periods at work or home (and trips away from home) can make it difficult to fit in a session. With bodyweight training your body is your gym so you can exercise anywhere, anytime. And you can slot bodyweight training into other exercise programs.

Basically bodyweight training means you always have a workout option.

Lower risk of injury

Bodyweight training is relatively low risk. You’re much less likely to strain a muscle using your body than with free weights or machines (and you’ll never need to worry about dropping that 5 kilo weight on your foot!). It adds up to less down time from injury and sore, overextended muscles.

Muscle multi-tasking

One of the biggest benefits of bodyweight training is it combines a cardiovascular workout with strength training. Many bodyweight exercises are also compound exercises, meaning they work several muscle groups at once – so you can work all the major muscle groups in fewer moves and in a relatively short space of time.

Core strength and stability

Bodyweight training is brilliant for building that all important core strength that improves balance and stability and makes all kinds of physical activity easier (with enviable abs an added bonus). And good core strength means good form, making it more likely you’ll achieve your fitness goals and avoid injury.

What’s the best cardio Routine for you LISS or HIIT

What’s the best cardio Routine for you LISS or HIIT

What’s the best cardio Routine for you LISS or HIIT

If you’re into fitness, you’ve probably heard about HIIT cardio. High intensity interval training. (HIIT) is all the rage, and for good reason. If your into aerobic and cardio full-body training, especially for burning calories, then HITT is hard to miss precisely because its works.

But HIIT has a more relaxed cousin that many fit girls or guys might not know about—LISS.

Low intensity steady state cardio exercises—or LISS cardio works by achieving continuous, low to moderate exertion over a long period of time. Workout plans that that feature LISS cardio include a family of relaxed but extended exercises, such as swimming, hiking or cycling.

For example, a long bike ride over a variety of terrains might qualify as LISS cardio, while a 45 minute spinning class might qualify as HIIT cardio because these exercises are characterized by high- endurance, high-exertion pushes in a shorter period of time.

LISS and HIIT; Different ways to work up a sweat.

Its undeniable that high intensity interval training cardio has lots of benefits for weight loss. And most experts agree that if you think of your time in the gym as a precious resource, HIIT exercises are going to be making the most of that time. HIIT burns more calories to lose weight, and it’s just more convenient for people running low on both time and energy who needs that pick me up endorphin rush that only a great session can provide.

However, the advantage of LISS isn’t all to do with maximizing your time at the gym. Where low intensity steady state cardio comes out on top is when we consider overall wellness. That’s because, as good for you as HIIT is, there are all sorts of circumstances where that kind of intensity is just not sustainable for an extended period of time for an extended period of time.

If your body is going through some kind of change—such as a recovering from an injury or adjusting to a change of diet—then pushing yourself to do high intensity exercises is less likely to have the desired outcomes. In fact, your time in the gym might leave you feeling sore and unsatisfied, and it won’t help you lose weight as well as something more manageable and sustainable.
HIIT cardio isn’t easy to keep up unless your workout routine is well supported by a high caloric intake that reliably rich in proteins and healthy carbohydrates.

For people with busy schedules, unpredictable work hours, and lots of commitments that kind of diet is not on the table.

Why choose LISS (Without saying goodbye to HIIT)

On a practical level, LISS cardio reduces the risk of over training and injuries. But is also a lot more comfortable. High intensity interval training is great for getting into shape, but it’s not always a social way to train. If you’re used to working out with a partner HIIT doesn’t really accommodate in the moment communication, especially if you’re at different ability’s levels. For instance if your work out buddy is older , has an injury or is just learning how to run for fitness, you running pass them isn’t exactly bonding time. You might only see each other during warm up exercises.

The best workout routines are all about balance. Ideally, you should be working up a serious sweat with HIIT, and then alternating with intermittent LISS sessions. Balancing your exercises that way will reduce the strain that working out puts on your body, and lead to a healthier muscle growth and more sustainable, stable weight loss that works with your overall fitness goals.