Start your day the right way…

Start your day the right way…

Start your day the right way…

Despite often being termed: the most important meal of the day, breakfast is often forgotten in the business of daily life.

No matter what the day has in store, we should include breakfast. Not only does breakfast provide the energy required for morning activities but will also set the tone for how you feel both physically and mentally throughout the day.

Breakfast should be a combination of mostly wholegrain carbohydrates, some protein and sometimes healthy fats.

Some great breakfast choices include;

Porridge is a great source of carbohydrate and is a great way to add fiber into your meal. You can also add berries or fresh fruit; or some flax seeds for your healthy fats.

Granola, with Greek plain yogurt and Berries.

Avocados and eggs great combination of healthy fats and protein

Bananas are rich in fiber, antioxidants and several nutrients. A medium sized banana contains about 105 calories a great carbohydrate choice.

Almond butter is rich in protein and is a healthy fat and goes well with whole grain bread and banana.

Berries such as strawberries black berries blue berries are low in calories rich in antioxidants, berries may help lower heart attack risk.

Smoothies is also a great choice, or some mixed fruit.

Coffee without sugar is a low calorie source of antioxidants. A cup of coffee in the morning may pack more than an energy boost. Coffee could reduce your chances of parkinsons disease, type 2 diabetes. Coffee before training can increase your performance during exercising as the caffeine increases the number of fatty acids in the blood stream which allows athletes, muscles to absorb and burn those fats for fuel.

Don’t skip breakfast.

When is best to do cardio…

When is best to do cardio…

When is best to do cardio…

When is best to do cardio, before or after your workout?
There’s been lot of difference theories on this subject. The answer depends on your goals.
For a lot of people who have a goal of burning body fat and building lean muscle mass, I recommend doing cardio after you weight train.
Reason being your heart is already elevated from doing weights, so there’s no 10-15 minute; build up period and you can get right into the fat-burning zone.
Second reason, doing a lot of cardio before you lift can decrease energy and strength, and will affect your ultimate goal of adding lean muscle or getting bigger or more defined.
If your goal is endurance-related such as a marathon runner or triathlete, then I recommend doing cardio before you lift weights and while you’re fresh.
The goal is to build lung-capacity, heart health, and endurance, so the focus should be there first. But don’t neglect weight-training, as this is vital no matter what your goals are.

Why get a Personal Trainer…

Why get a Personal Trainer…

Why get a Personal Trainer…

January is here and like nearly every year people have the best intentions especially when it comes exercise and fitness. I see it all the time people join a gym pay their yearly membership and come March, they leave.

I believe that people join a gym having great intentions but don’t know what to do and they end up only using some of the equipment because they don’t want to look foolish because they don’t know how it works. In some cases they join a gym and receive a “one size fits all” training programme from the gym. This leads to weeks and months of doing the same thing over and over leading to people deciding to give up and quit training.

I believe that investing in a good personal trainer is the way to succeed with your personal training and development goals, they will meet with you and screen you regarding your medical background and also see what your fitness level is at so he or she can decide what programme is best for you.

In order for you to work towards your personal goals. A professional trainer teaches you the proper way to perform every exercise movement in your routine. Using proper technique reduces your risk of injury. Technique is the most important thing in training in my books once you have that you can train anywhere. A good personal trainer should have the skills to motivate you and bring you on.

A personal trainer should keep in contact with the client and check up on their progress. A personal trainer should change up their clients programmes regularly and explain why. They should also have a good knowledge on good nutrition.

It’s like buying a car and not able to drive – why join a gym if you don’t know how to train or have very little background in training, having a personal trainer can change your life and help you live a healthier and happier life.