Tips on How to Lose the Turkey Belly

New year is approaching and here we go again making or new years resolutions, I hear the same thing every year, people have great intentions and start it off by getting a gym membership, or start going to classes, I’m going to eat healthier, I’m going to lose weight but so many people fail. They do ok for awhile but give up, it takes time and a little patience folks especially if you are trying to change something that is very normal to you whether that being a bad diet or you don’t exercise don’t be too hard on yourself we are only human after all.
So here are some of my tips to help achieve your goals.

Get rid of all the Christmas treats from your cupboards let’s face it if they’re in your cupboards you will eat them too much temptation.

Log your food and I don’t mean by weighing your food just write down everything you eat do it for awhile because sometimes we decide to have a treat and by taking a note of it, you might realise you had few too many.

Your plate at dinner time you should half the plate with vegetables 1 quarter of lean protein other quarter carbohydrates like potatoes rice etc.

Every day Include vegetables, and at least 2 pieces of fruit per day. And include healthy fats in your diet like avocados, nuts, seeds salmon olive oil.

Drink at least 2 litres of water per day, and when you eat don’t eat to get full especially when trying to lose weight just eat less and I don’t mean starving yourself.

Start training join a gym or go to a class and if that’s not for you go for a walk, just get active your body will thank you for it.

Keep it simple by cutting out the bad foods like takeaways, sweets fizzy drinks come on folks we no these are bad for us cut them out or at least cut them down. We all deserve a treat sometimes.

Too many people say to me what will I eat I answer cut out the bad food replace it with good food good I really hope this helps someone out, feel free to share.

Happy and healthy new year.



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