What’s the best cardio Routine for you LISS or HIIT

If you’re into fitness, you’ve probably heard about HIIT cardio. High intensity interval training. (HIIT) is all the rage, and for good reason. If your into aerobic and cardio full-body training, especially for burning calories, then HITT is hard to miss precisely because its works.

But HIIT has a more relaxed cousin that many fit girls or guys might not know about—LISS.

Low intensity steady state cardio exercises—or LISS cardio works by achieving continuous, low to moderate exertion over a long period of time. Workout plans that that feature LISS cardio include a family of relaxed but extended exercises, such as swimming, hiking or cycling.

For example, a long bike ride over a variety of terrains might qualify as LISS cardio, while a 45 minute spinning class might qualify as HIIT cardio because these exercises are characterized by high- endurance, high-exertion pushes in a shorter period of time.

LISS and HIIT; Different ways to work up a sweat.

Its undeniable that high intensity interval training cardio has lots of benefits for weight loss. And most experts agree that if you think of your time in the gym as a precious resource, HIIT exercises are going to be making the most of that time. HIIT burns more calories to lose weight, and it’s just more convenient for people running low on both time and energy who needs that pick me up endorphin rush that only a great session can provide.

However, the advantage of LISS isn’t all to do with maximizing your time at the gym. Where low intensity steady state cardio comes out on top is when we consider overall wellness. That’s because, as good for you as HIIT is, there are all sorts of circumstances where that kind of intensity is just not sustainable for an extended period of time for an extended period of time.

If your body is going through some kind of change—such as a recovering from an injury or adjusting to a change of diet—then pushing yourself to do high intensity exercises is less likely to have the desired outcomes. In fact, your time in the gym might leave you feeling sore and unsatisfied, and it won’t help you lose weight as well as something more manageable and sustainable.
HIIT cardio isn’t easy to keep up unless your workout routine is well supported by a high caloric intake that reliably rich in proteins and healthy carbohydrates.

For people with busy schedules, unpredictable work hours, and lots of commitments that kind of diet is not on the table.

Why choose LISS (Without saying goodbye to HIIT)

On a practical level, LISS cardio reduces the risk of over training and injuries. But is also a lot more comfortable. High intensity interval training is great for getting into shape, but it’s not always a social way to train. If you’re used to working out with a partner HIIT doesn’t really accommodate in the moment communication, especially if you’re at different ability’s levels. For instance if your work out buddy is older , has an injury or is just learning how to run for fitness, you running pass them isn’t exactly bonding time. You might only see each other during warm up exercises.

The best workout routines are all about balance. Ideally, you should be working up a serious sweat with HIIT, and then alternating with intermittent LISS sessions. Balancing your exercises that way will reduce the strain that working out puts on your body, and lead to a healthier muscle growth and more sustainable, stable weight loss that works with your overall fitness goals.
