When is best to do cardio…

When is best to do cardio, before or after your workout?
There’s been lot of difference theories on this subject. The answer depends on your goals.
For a lot of people who have a goal of burning body fat and building lean muscle mass, I recommend doing cardio after you weight train.
Reason being your heart is already elevated from doing weights, so there’s no 10-15 minute; build up period and you can get right into the fat-burning zone.
Second reason, doing a lot of cardio before you lift can decrease energy and strength, and will affect your ultimate goal of adding lean muscle or getting bigger or more defined.
If your goal is endurance-related such as a marathon runner or triathlete, then I recommend doing cardio before you lift weights and while you’re fresh.
The goal is to build lung-capacity, heart health, and endurance, so the focus should be there first. But don’t neglect weight-training, as this is vital no matter what your goals are.
